Monday, November 15, 2010

Student Loans for International Students

Student Loans for International Students

International students often experience higher levies than local students. For instance, international students have to pay their own transportation costs and accommodations are not covered either. They have to pay for a rental apartment while attending school. Students who come from countries which experience… unstable currency rates will have to obtain loans to access school in the United States. However, it is not easy for foreign students to obtain loans. As much as there are fewer options in loans, there are institutions that are ready to lend international students educational loans….

Requirements to Attend USA colleges

It is a requirement that international students take tests before attending any school in the United States.
Commonly known as TOEFL, students have no option but to pass the TOEFL exams to show that they can speak the English language fluently.  This has to be passed in order to be accepted into any United States educational Institution. Sometimes a high score in TOEFL is required to enter higher education institutions, like universities and colleges. In addition, students who would love to study in the United States must sit for the SAT or ACT exams to illustrate a fundamental knowledge of reasoning skills, mathematics and English. Even though United States citizens and foreign students must take the same exams, they are often more challenging for foreign students than for United States citizens. International students often experience a shock in the cultural differences and speaking language abilities.
In order to perform well on these tests, foreign students may have to study longer in order to be on the same plain.  They also often need to seek guidance from qualified tutors. However, students who perform well in the initial test may attract sponsorships and sometimes even loans.

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